Post your prayers

Feel free to post your prayer so that we may pray together and our prayers will be stronger together.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Full of faith and hope

My dear friend Sharon, who was always full of faith and hope, passed away March 4, 2011. Throughout the past 2.5 years she never lost her faith and hope that she would one day be well again. I wish sometimes that I could have bottled her faith and hope as I dealt with my own medical crisis and dealt with my adult son being lost to us. Many, many times in our conversations it was she who would end up consoling me when I was the one to call and check on her. I only hope that she knew how much her friendship meant to me.
I pray for her loved ones left behind for some peace in this time of their life. I hope and pray that one day there will be a cure for leukemia. I hope and pray that one day there will also be a cure for pseudotumor cerebri, even though, at this time I am reminded that while I fight a headache and vision problems every day my friend faught so much harder every day. God bless her for showing me how to fight and for showing me how not to lose faith and hope.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Prayers for peace and energy

For my dear friend Sharon. I last posted in December for her and unfortunately things have not gone very well since then. Sharon has gone through a new chemo that didnt work and now 14 blood transfusions. Unfortunately the transfusions are no longer working. My dear friend and her family have had to make some hard decisions this past week. I cannot begin to imagine.
So for my friend Sharon I pray for peace at this time of tough decisions. Please let God be with her in those moments and let her feel his presence as she is going through the next part of her leukemia journey. I pray that she has energy to get through each day.
For her family I pray for peace as well. Let them feel God around them as they try so very hard to support their mother and sister. Let them also feel that they are not alone. I pray for energy for them as well. Energy to take care of Sharon physically, emotionally and mentally. For this is not only hard for Sharon but the family as well. Give them strength to reach out to others for assistance when they need a moment to pray, cry or just feel.
With love to all of them.