Post your prayers

Feel free to post your prayer so that we may pray together and our prayers will be stronger together.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

For some relief

I woke up today at 6am with one of the worst headaches and blurred vision in my right eye. I have tried some Aleve and Vicodin and I am not finding any relief from this pain. I pray for some relief not only for myself for the others on my discussion board that are dealing with the same pain, shunts that arent working and side effects from medication.
Please God bring us all some relief!


  1. I am hoping that this morning brings you less pain and, of course, clear vision! I have had more headaches since the holidays began than before, but they are baby ones compared to what I know PTC can really do to me.

    As for the vision, well, I am ever waiting for it to improve. To that end, tonight I am starting a novena and I wanted to let you know.

    December 13th is the feast of St. Lucy (Santa Lucia), a feast day my grandmother would always celebrate in honor of the saint's miracle for Sicily. No one carried on the tradition when my grandmother died, because we didn't really know the details.

    After some research, I found out how I could celebrate and that Saint Lucy is also the patron saint of the blind! I am going to begin my prayers tonight, culminating on the feast day (it is said that is the most effective way) for the protection of my remaining sight and, if possible, any restoration of any that is lost. I am also going to ask Saint Lucy to watch over the eyes of my fellow sufferers!

    I don't know if you are a believer in the saints, but I thought I would pass this along to you in case you too wanted to join in :)

    Have a pain free and clear seeing day :)

  2. Nicole,

    Thank you for your post. I am not that familiar with saints. I do have Aunt that is Catholic and remember her talking about different saints growing up but never really understood it. I think prayer in any form is a blessing. I have a good friend that has been battling leukemia for 3 years now, when they diagnosed her she was given two weeks. She is still with us by the grace of God and a lot of prayers. I will also start praying to Saint Lucy as well. Best wishes to you
