Post your prayers

Feel free to post your prayer so that we may pray together and our prayers will be stronger together.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Prayer for today

Well, my Saturday morning headache turned into so much more. I ended up in the ER Sunday night when I my husband got home from work. My right eye was swollen and red. He was concerned and suggested I go to the ER that way they could just do the spinal tap and give me some relief. Now when my husband suggest that I go to the ER I know things are not looking well.

So we went and they got me right in and seen by a PA. That should have been my first halt right there, I should have asked for a full blown DR. So they move me to another room where they attempted to do a spinal tap, then the PA gets a DR, the DR tries. Between the two of them they stuck me twice and no fluid. I said that is enough I cannot take anymore of this. So they admit me so that I can have a fluro-tap done in the AM. The only benefit I saw Sunday was in the form of Dilaudid IV. So that meant that I got two hours sleep. Then came the fluro-tap, again two sticks at least this time they got fluid.

Now it is Wednesday and I am suffering the side effects of the LP....I cannot sit or stand without excrutiating pain. So after many folks advice I am flat on my back and drinking some caffiene. I am hoping this clears up soon. So to add to staying flat and caffiene, I am also posting this prayer.

Please God, help me to cope with this pain and setback today. Give me the strength not to cry even though I really, really want to. Give my husband patience to deal with me today (even though he already has the patience of Jobe). Give me the patience I need to stay in one spot today.

Pray also for Tracy from DS that her shunt tie off go well.

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