Post your prayers

Feel free to post your prayer so that we may pray together and our prayers will be stronger together.

Monday, December 20, 2010

My friend Sharon

This prayer goes out for a good friend, Sharon. She has been battling leukimia for a few years now. She has endured many rounds of chemo, hospital stays, transfusion and set backs. Today I received an update on my wonderful friend and she has to go into the hospital for a transfusion. The current therapy is not proving strong enough.
My prayer is that her hospital stay be short, the nurses and doctors be wise and compassionate. I pray that she gets home in time to spend the holiday with her grown children and little grandchildren. I pray that God watches over her and her body and helps her body to fight once again against this disease.
Sharon has always been a light for me and reminded me that no matter what to keep my faith, even when she was very ill, she prayed for me and my son. She is such a strong woman, mother and friend. I am so blessed to have her in my life.
Please keep my friend in your prayers as well.

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