Post your prayers

Feel free to post your prayer so that we may pray together and our prayers will be stronger together.

Monday, December 20, 2010

My friend Sharon

This prayer goes out for a good friend, Sharon. She has been battling leukimia for a few years now. She has endured many rounds of chemo, hospital stays, transfusion and set backs. Today I received an update on my wonderful friend and she has to go into the hospital for a transfusion. The current therapy is not proving strong enough.
My prayer is that her hospital stay be short, the nurses and doctors be wise and compassionate. I pray that she gets home in time to spend the holiday with her grown children and little grandchildren. I pray that God watches over her and her body and helps her body to fight once again against this disease.
Sharon has always been a light for me and reminded me that no matter what to keep my faith, even when she was very ill, she prayed for me and my son. She is such a strong woman, mother and friend. I am so blessed to have her in my life.
Please keep my friend in your prayers as well.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

So many

Pray for Sherry on DS group...dealing with a lot medically and emotionally.
Pray overall for all those on DS group, it sounds like this week has been a tough week for everyone. A lot of us getting frustrated and discouraged by PTC, doctors and treatments that are just as bad as the disease.
Please God give us all some relief this holiday so that we may get all the things done that we have to do do make the holiday ejoyable for our family and to remember that it doesnt have to be perfect, that it is about spending time with family and friends. Please God give us patience with ourselves, our body and our loved ones when we are not feeling well.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Prayer for today

Well, my Saturday morning headache turned into so much more. I ended up in the ER Sunday night when I my husband got home from work. My right eye was swollen and red. He was concerned and suggested I go to the ER that way they could just do the spinal tap and give me some relief. Now when my husband suggest that I go to the ER I know things are not looking well.

So we went and they got me right in and seen by a PA. That should have been my first halt right there, I should have asked for a full blown DR. So they move me to another room where they attempted to do a spinal tap, then the PA gets a DR, the DR tries. Between the two of them they stuck me twice and no fluid. I said that is enough I cannot take anymore of this. So they admit me so that I can have a fluro-tap done in the AM. The only benefit I saw Sunday was in the form of Dilaudid IV. So that meant that I got two hours sleep. Then came the fluro-tap, again two sticks at least this time they got fluid.

Now it is Wednesday and I am suffering the side effects of the LP....I cannot sit or stand without excrutiating pain. So after many folks advice I am flat on my back and drinking some caffiene. I am hoping this clears up soon. So to add to staying flat and caffiene, I am also posting this prayer.

Please God, help me to cope with this pain and setback today. Give me the strength not to cry even though I really, really want to. Give my husband patience to deal with me today (even though he already has the patience of Jobe). Give me the patience I need to stay in one spot today.

Pray also for Tracy from DS that her shunt tie off go well.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

For some relief

I woke up today at 6am with one of the worst headaches and blurred vision in my right eye. I have tried some Aleve and Vicodin and I am not finding any relief from this pain. I pray for some relief not only for myself for the others on my discussion board that are dealing with the same pain, shunts that arent working and side effects from medication.
Please God bring us all some relief!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New neurologist

Today I am praying for guidance in meeting with a new neurologist. Guidance to ask the right questions on my part. Guidance for the doctor on how to best treat ME with this condition. I am praying for hope not to hear the words "if you lost weight PTC would get better or go away". I am so tired of doctors telling me that losing weight is the only solution to this. I have lost weight since this started and the headaches are still here.
Pray for patience to give this doctor a chance to prove himself to me. I feel like I am interviewing him for the job of MY neurologist.
My long term prayer would be that they find a cure for this condition.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving

I am thankful for my family that I got to see for the holiday that flew in and for my family here. I am also thankful that God gave me a few good IH days. Prior to family flying in I was down with one of the worst headaches. I thought, no please not this week. I prayed for God to please not let me be sick with a headache while they were here. Thankfully God granted my prayer. They flew out at 5am this morning and at 1130am I woke up with a slight headache. LOL I have to keep my sense of humor in dealing with this condition. I have to remind myself not to give into it, although some days it is very hard when your vision is blurred or doubled and your head feels like it is going to explode.

So today I pray for at least a couple more days with no headache and today I pray for no nausea from the infusion therapy that I started on Wednesday.

Hoping for better days!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Prayers are answered

A good friend suggested that prayers needed to be specific. She was so right.

I received a call from my son that I had not heard from in 2 months until yesterday. Unfortunately I was on the phone with the pharmacist and really needed to take the call so I asked him to call back in 10 minutes. He always calls from a private number. So I have been on pins and needles waiting for a call back.

Today I prayed specifically that he would call me back today and let me know that he is OK. So I have been jumping every time the phone rings. Finally this evening he called back. He is well and in San Diego. Says he is taking care of some legal issues and will be there for the next 4 to 6 weeks. He sounded good and unfortunately the call was too short but my prayer was answered.

On the medical front, I am frustrated and don't know where to turn. At this point I am praying for healing. I had my first infusion of gammagloblin, took 4 hours and the next one I have to do on my own. So I am praying that this will work and that I will feel better soon and hopefully this will help with all the IH/PTC.

Thanks to everyone for their support!!!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Today's prayer

Today I am praying for my friend Sharon who is fighting leukemia and a torn rotator cuff at the same time. She needs surgery but cannot have surgery because of the leukemia right now. She is in so much pain, from the shoulder and new chemo meds. I pray God give her strength and take her pain away so that she may rest comfortably and heal.
I also pray for my discussion board friends that are dealing with pseudo tumor cerebri. We would all like a little relief from the daily headaches and have a little bit more energy just to do the simple things like take care of our family and home.
God bless.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

My current prayer

Today I received some bad news regarding a medical condition. So I am having my day of pouting and doubting. I happen to see an episode of Oprah today about John of God, a man in Brazil that seems to have some healing powers. Some believe that he can heal not only the physical body but also the soul. Watching the episode it made me realize that I need to do some healing of my own.
So I have started this blog to post my daily prayer and so that others can post thier daily prayer as well. In numbers there is strength.
Today my prayer is for guidance in finding the right treatment and that treatment will be successful.